What is CDFrontEnd? 
CDFrontEnd is a very powerful tool for quickly and efficiently creating autorun CD presentations.  
Main features: 
  • autorun CD / DVD with one click (File >Create autorun CD);  
  • can launch any kind of file: Acrobat PDF, PowerPoint PPS, DOC, AutoCAD...; any kind of video, MPEG, MOV, AVI...; 
  • one presentation, one source file; 
  • versatile: from a simple CD menu to a complex product catalog; 
  • fast; all visual, no compilation; 
  • built-in browser (no Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera or so on required; will run even if the PC browser is misconfigured or missing); 
  • CD freely distributable, i.e. no royalties;  
  • easy to learn and easy to start;  
  • search engine automatically included in the CD: full-text search, boolean search, keyword search;  
  • you can prohibit print or copy;  
  • expiration date;  
  • you can password protect all or part of the presentation  
  • different passwords for different users;  
  • you can include Viewer programs in case the user don't have Adobe/Acrobat, Word and so on...;  
  • frames, text styles, popup windows, mouse over sensible images, sounds, video, visual linking: feature rich, easy to use, fast;  
  • full screen capability; or you can set up window size and position; 
  • new: automatic image gallery / photo album / thumbnails generation 
  • new: database / CSV import, so you can create/populate a (fully editable) catalogue automatically; 
  • does NOT require Internet Explorer or any 3rd party applications;  
  • shopping cart, forms, direct Flash™ support and more in the Gold edition; direct Web publishing with the HyperPublish bundle; 
  • little and smart: runs on all Windows: 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 8; even a old PC is fine (and this also for the end users of the CDs!!);  
    In short, it is designed to save you time and effort. 
    To learn more, see the overview or the tutorials
    CDFrontEnd Manual - Main menu - Search - What is CD Front End? - Overview - Buy / register - Frequent questions / FAQ - Tutorials - CD passwords - protect presentation - Get CDFrontEnd electronically - Get the CDFrontEnd CD -  User's Web forum - CDFrontEnd Web site 
    CD Front End - Create autorun CD DVD presentations, menus with ease.  http://www.CDFrontEnd.com 
    (C) Copyright 2001, 2013 Visual Vision. All rights reserved. 
    Since 1996, leader in hypermedia software - ASP member - ESC member 
    Software: create ebooks, Web sites, CDs, product catalogs, manuals, brochures business catalog CD DVD ebook software Hypertext authoring create catalogs business office software costruire pubblicare pagina internet,creare sito web, software per cd dvd menu create dvd cd front end autoplay cd dvd autorun cd cd dvd product reference manual make cd CDROM presentation autoplay cd dvd presentation menu create CD brochure create CD business card visual autorun cd menu create ebook Ebook e-book software ebook software make ebook ipad iphone kindle epub nook Ebook editor software visual ebook editor and compiler e-book compiler e-book collection library make ebook ipad kindle nook business software film, cinema, gratis product catalog software CD / Web business catalog software create CD DVD Web site catalog Create hypermedia hypertext CD / Web catalogue catalog Create catalogs CDROM builder software Catalog creator software Create make a CD ROM catalog create web site web site software web page design editor software program fast Web editor Create a Web site, client and server software Web site editor software build Web site Website software Website builder software create website web site builder software create your own website Web Website publishing software manual documentation reference guide software Create software manual, WinHelp, Html Help Make online manual Create a manual, software HTML Help compiler, CHM Create Html Help Make Help system Creare un sito Web, CD, ebook, catalogo, manuale, ipertesto creare CD DVD sito web catalogo, programma per Realizzare CD sito Web aziendale CDROM DVD catalogo, software per creare sito web programma sito web Creare manuali, WinHelp, Html Help, software per fare manuale, programma creare ebook e-book libri elettronici programma software ebook epub mobi ipad kindle exe Risorse software shareware,siti shareware software ufficio, fatturazione, magazzino, video Locali Spettacolo Concerti Uscire Soluzioni semplici programmi software borsa finanza soldi crear sitio Web crea páginas web crear para el Internet programa sitio Web programa páginas Web crear publicar ebook elibro libros electrónicos crear ebook programa ebook crear crea un catálogo, hypermedia CD, sitio Web crear un sitio Web profesional crea los CD DVD autorun (auto-iniciantes) presentaciones folletos crear manuales y archivos logiciel web construire site web internet créer construire site web internet créer pages web logiciel démarrage CD automatique créer présentation, brochure, CD DVD démarrage automatique CD DVD menu autorun autoplay Logiciel pour l'édition de livres électroniques ebook créer un catalogue, hypermedia CD, site Web créer vos site  Web professionnelcréer fichiers d'Aide Windows et HTML, manuels download buy ebooks 
    Other easy software from Visual Vision: 
    CD Web catalog software HyperPublish: make a product items catalog, an hypermedia CD DVD, a Web Site 
    create website 1site: build a professional Website, business ecommerce Website, no programming required 
    Web site software EasyWebEditor: create personal Web pages, create your Internet site with ease 
    ebook software EBooksWriter: write pack protect ebook exe mobi epub Kindle iPad Nook iPhone with ease! 
    manual software, documentation PaperKiller: create a manual, a guide, reference manuals, documentation 
    helpfile software, create online documentation RoboAuthor: manage software documentation, Helpfile, CHM, data sheets 
    CD Front End, the best autorun CD DVD menu software - CD presentation business product catalog brochure business card password print copy protection - The CD FrontEnd software makes it easy to write, page, edit, protect and distribute any kind of information on CD, DVD