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Click here for the step by step PDF manual (the fastest way for starting - ZIP compressed)
Additional Support: tutorials, frequently asked questions, Web Forum, or email / fax us (USA) 909-498-8755. 
Back to previous page Read only / Editor Create new hypertext / presentation file Open an existing presentation/hypertext or import pages Save current presentation/hypertext Export pages Print current page... Display cover or summary page... Search Change the font of selected block, or from current cursor position... Change the color of selected text block, or from current position... Change the size of current text block, or from current position... Main menu Apply bold or italic to selected text block, or from cursor position... Insert links Styles Justify, Left, Right, Center: change the alignment of current paragraph Increase or reduce indent of current paragraph... Transform current paragraph in a list, with bullets or numbers... With the ruler you can define left and right margins, and first line... The edit window Frameset management in CDFrontEnd Frameset management in CDFrontEnd Create autorun CD / DVD: from a simple CD menu to a smart CD brochure  
Import pages Images Tables Classic Copy, Cut, Paste and Undo buttons... The page number box Add a new page to the document / presentation / hypertext Edit page properties Insert sound or animation, video, voice, MPEG, MP3, MOV, AVI, WAV... Insert floating frame Enable / disable frames view in the editor Keyword assignment Advanced frameset management Insert form elements  
CDFrontEnd is OK for all Windows including 95, 98, XP, Vista, 7, 8. 
With the main menu you can access all the CD FrontEnd functions: 
New hypertext 
New from... 
Import pages...** 
Import from database / CSV... 
Add new page... 
Search file... 
Save all 
Save as... 
Save as template... 
Create autorun CD in temporary folder... 
All pages... 
Printer setup... 
Margins setup... 
Print current page 
Print all 
Paste page from...** 
Select all 
Search / Replace... 
Search again in page 
Repeat in the hypertext 
Search by keyword...** 
Boolean Search... 
Text files... 
Image / map... 
Image gallery / photo album... 
Floating frame... 
Animation / sound... 
Flash *** 
Forms *** 
Start form marker... 
Form element... 
Page functions 
Open / close windows...** 
Autoreferenced link** 
New page... 
Special link...** 
Quick special link to 
Link to shopping cart... *** 
Superscript / Subscript 
Paragraph style... 
New style... 
Link properties 
Follow link 
Page properties...** 
Load frameset layout 
Advanced frameset manager...** 
Header and footer...** 
Current hypertext properties 
Read only 
Show frames 
Previous page 
Next page 
Page +1 
Page -1 
Go to page 
Select page from preview... 
[list of last visited pages] 
Delete pages... 
Hypertext search... 
Link diagram... 
Predefined page order - TOC... 
Images - files - link archive and erase... 
All hypertext pages... 
Page spell check... 
Hypertext spell check... 
Program options... 
Show demo... 
Examples (in editor)... 
Other Visual Vision products (online)... 
Contact us (online)... 
  • create and link pages 
  • create an autorun autoplay CD DVD (from a simple CD with a menu, to a smart presentation, CD DVD brochure) 
  • run PDF AVI WMV MPEG MP3 DOC ZIP PPS and any kind of file 
  • link / run files and programs (embedded and external files) 
  • autorun autoplay a Power Point PPS presentation (the professional way) 
  • autorun autoplay a PDF file (the professional way) 
  • autorun, show, run file passing it to a program 
  • how to create a left side menu 
  • protect the CD / DVD / the presentation 
  • shopping cart (GOLD ed.) 
  • database CSV import (GOLD ed.) for creating product catalogs, automatically adding items 
    To paste a screen shot of another application, run the application, press ALT+PrtScrn, then SHIFT+INS in CDFrontEnd. Templates? "File" then "New from..." or "Edit" then "Paste page from...". 
    To change / customize the logo / splash screen image***, just edit the file "gold.gif" inside the "FrontEndFiles" folder (or the CD root). If you want to insert a JPG, just insert a "gold.jpg" file. The size is 404x 288 pixels. 
    *** GOLD edition only. 
    CDFrontEnd Manual - Main menu - Search - What is CD Front End? - Overview - Buy / register - Frequent questions / FAQ - Tutorials - CD passwords - protect presentation - Get CDFrontEnd electronically - Get the CDFrontEnd CD -  User's Web forum - CDFrontEnd Web site 
    CD Front End - Create autorun CD DVD presentations, menus with ease. 
    (C) Copyright 2001, 2015 Visual Vision. All rights reserved. 
    Since 1996, leader in hypermedia hypertext web ebook CD software - Association of Software Professionals (ASP) member - ESC member 
    Software: create Website, CD, catalog, ebook, manual, brochure create catalogs business catalog CD DVD ebook software office software Hypertext authoring software create dvd cd front end autoplay cd dvd cd menu autorun cd cd dvd product reference manual make cd cdrom presentation autoplay cd dvd presentation menu create CD brochure visual autorun cd menu make ebook create ebook ipad iphone kindle epub nook ebook software e-book compiler ebook editor visual ebook editor and compiler e-book collection library epub mobi ebook ipad kindle kobo nook product catalog software CD / Web business catalog software create CD DVD Web site Create catalogs CDROM builder software Catalog creator software Create make a CD ROM catalog web page design editor software program create web site web site software fast Web editor Create a Web site, Web page, Portal software web site software Web site editor software build Website Website builder software web site builder software create your own website create website good web publishing software hypertext editor manual documentation reference guide software create manage edit hypertext documents, wordprocessiong Create a manual, software HTML Help compiler hypertext software Create Html Help online documentation, help system Software facile per creare un ebook, sito Web, CD, catalogo prodotti, manuale, ipertesto creare CD DVD sito web catalogo, programma per Realizzare CD sito Web aziendale DVD catalogo prodotti, software per programma facile sito web creare sito web costruire pubblicare pagina internet,creare sito web, software per Creare manuali, ipertesti, WinHelp, Html Help, software per fare manuale, programma creare ebook e-book libri elettronici programma software ebook epub mobi ipad kindle Risorse software shareware,siti shareware software ufficio, fatturazione, magazzino, video Locali Spettacolo Concerti Uscire Soluzioni semplici cinema, movies, film, documentari, commedie, drammi, thriller programmi gratis, software gratis borsa finanza soldi crear crea un catálogo, hypermedia CD, sitio Web crear un sitio Web profesional programa sitio Web crear sitio Web crea páginas web crear para el Internet programa páginas Web Internet crear manuales y archivos crea los CD DVD autorun (auto-iniciantes) presentaciones folletos crear ebook programa ebook crear publicar ebook elibro libros electrónicos logiciel créer construire site web internet logiciel web construire site web internet créer un catalogue, hypermedia CD, site Web créer pages Internet créer fichiers d'Aide Windows et HTML, manuels créer présentation, brochure, CD DVD démarrage automatique CD DVD menu logiciel démarrage CD automatique autorun autoplay logiciel ebook download buy ebooks professional software testo parole 
    Other easy software from Visual Vision: 
    ebook software EBooksWriter: create pack and protect ebook, industry standard: exe mobi epub Kindle iPad Nook Kobo Android with ease! 
    CD Web catalog software HyperPublish: build a business product catalog, a hypermedia CD DVD, a Web Site 
    Web site software EasyWebEditor: the Web page software, design build your Website with ease 
    create website 1site: create a professional Web site, business e-commerce Website, no programming required 
    helpfile software, create online documentation RoboAuthor: manage software documentation, create Helpfile, CHM, online help systems 
    manual software, documentation PaperKiller: cr hypertext, manuals, guides, reference manuals, manage documentation 
    CD Front End, the best autorun CD DVD menu software - CD presentation business product catalog brochure business card password print copy protection - The CD FrontEnd software makes it easy to write, page, edit, protect and distribute any kind of information on CD, DVD